“Toraichi” is a long-established workwear brand that has been attracting attention as a leader in the Japanese workwear market, and in recent years, more and more people are adopting the brand as a fashion item on the streets as well, supported by its polished functional beauty and unique design, both in Japan and abroad. The workwear items of “Toraichi” are reinterpreted as MOUSSY’s unique women’s items with a more stylish silhouette to make it easier for women to wear, based on the keyword “WORK”, one of the themes of MOUSSY’s 2024 Spring/Summer season. Items that incorporate reflector specifications, cropped jumpers and high-waisted long knickers based on the “2530 Series,” Tora Ichi’s standard items, have been updated with silhouettes that allow women to enhance their style, A total of four types, including graphic T-shirts, will also be available.

“Toraichi” is a long-established workwear brand that has been attracting attention as a leader in the Japanese workwear market, and in recent years, more and more people are adopting the brand as a fashion item on the streets as well, supported by its polished functional and unique design, both in Japan and abroad. The workwear items of “Toraichi” are reinterpreted as MOUSSY’s unique women’s items with a more stylish silhouette to easier for women to wear, based on the keyword “WORK”, one of the themes of MOUSSY’s 2024 Spring/Summer season. Items that incorporate reflector specifications, cropped jumpers and high-waisted long knickers based on the “2530 Series,” Toraichi's standard items, have been updated with silhouettes that allow women to enhance their style, A total of four types, including graphic T-shirts, will also be available.

寅壱    MOUSSY    
2024.2.16.FRI   RELEASE

日本の作業着市場を牽引するブランド「寅壱」のワークウェアアイテムをMOUSSYらしいレディースアイテムとして再解釈。 パターンを引き直し、よりスタイリッシュなシルエットへアップデート。 アトラクティブなMIXTURE STYLEを提案します。
